Stormy Sunday on the Lake

Sunday was a stormy day here at Lake Orion, but we still managed to fit in plenty of fun!

I met Bob, another Bellevue Island resident, the other day when he was out walking his dog, Shiloh. He kindly offered to take us out on his boat Sunday morning. Sweet!

Bob pulled up to our dock around 10 a.m. Sunday with his wife, JoAnn, and Shiloh. My parents, Tony and I hopped aboard. Turns out Bob and my dad both worked for General Dynamics and knew some of the same people. Bob and JoAnn pointed out interesting landmarks around the lake, including a house once owned by Jimmy Hoffa, and shared stories about the area’s history and residents. Unfortunately, menacing storm clouds sent us home early.

Bob and JoAnn pick us up.
Bob and Joanne pick us up

That’s our house behind the docked boats.
Looking back at our house

Tony chillin’ on the boat.
Tony chillaxin' on the boat

I love the wind in my hair!
Wind in my hair

Shiloh keeps an eye out for ducks.
Shiloh looking for ducks

Cruising through some canals.
Cruising through canals

Storm’s a-brewing.
Storm clouds rolling in

Back at our dock.
Dad and Mom chat with Bob and Joanne

Thanks for the ride!

What a wonderful welcome to the neighborhood! We look forward to spending more time with this lovely couple (and not just because they have a boat…).

Later that day, we played hosts at our first lakehouse party – a potluck BBQ for everyone we know in the area (all friends of my parents, whom we now consider to be our friends, too). We enjoyed showing off my mom’s handiwork and decorating prowess in our little house. It was fun to see the astonishment when people found out the painting over our bed is a “Betty Ann original,” which she whipped out in a couple hours the day before we got here. And I beamed with pride for her when someone held up a pillow and said, “Can you believe she made this?!”

One couple brought their son and his buddy, who immediately dashed down to our dock with their fishing poles. Despite spotting several large bass in the water, they only caught one little fish, which they tossed back.
Liam fishes from the dock

Tony braved the rain to grill hamburgers and hotdogs, and everyone brought yummy side dishes. (My mom’s pretzel dip must have included crack because I’m still suffering withdrawal.)
Grilling in the rain

Our first BBQ party!

At the end of the day, I felt sick from eating so much junk, but by the time I woke up Monday morning, I was ready for a little breakfast of pretzels and Crack Dip.

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