Christmas with the Hossacks!

As an Army brat, I lived in many places in the United States and Germany before landing in Kansas for college. Every time my dad delivered the news that we were moving AGAIN, I felt a mixture of emotions – grief (it’s always hard to leave friends and routines), relief (a chance to start over!), fear (what if nobody likes me?), excitement (new people, new adventures), and curiosity (so many unknowns: food, people, weather, school, lifestyle). But I always remember my mother saying, “You’ll see those friends again!” In the military, paths cross again and again.

And so it is with international teaching!

This week, we’re celebrating the holidays with our special friends Amy and Scott Hossack and their awesome little guy, Blake. We worked and played with the Hossacks for four years in Shanghai, so we were thrilled when they decided to spend part of their Christmas break here in Vientiane.

In the taxi from the airport. So excited!

Playing in my classroom.

Blake chillin’ on the daybed.

At the riverfront playground.

Too shy to ask for a swing, Blake hovers as the school-skippin’ Lao girls SMS their friends.

Cycling along the Mekong.

Snack-n-play at Paradise Ice Cream.

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