Highlight of my week so far: I was on supervision duty in the open-air cafeteria, and I noticed quite a ruckus at the first-grade table. Several little boys were standing up and howling with laughter. When they saw me approach, they all sat down quickly and resumed eating their lunches. “What’s going on here?” I asked in my most threatening teacher voice. First graders are terrible liars and big fat tattletales, so they all started pointing fingers. One boy, a very precocious 7-year-old from Singapore, summed it up: “They are showing their penises to each other.” Hmmm… well then … carry on. No, wait! I’m the teacher. I had to intervene. I knelt down and began my “boys-may-take-their-penises-out-of-their-pants-in-the-bathroom-and-at-home-but-nowhere-else” speech, but just then the school nurse, Moe Moe, sauntered by. Perfect. I thought she would probably have a better speech prepared. You know, germs and privacy and body issues and so on. “Miss Moe Moe!” I exclaimed. “These boys are showing their penises to each other. Can you have a little chat with them?” She bent down over the table and said menacingly, “I think we should just cut them all off!” The boys all shrieked and laughed, and that was the end of that.
I hope your map is updated. I like your Blog. The pics are nice too. I should be writing my report, but I am fooling around on the net. I’ll get it done. Say i to Tony. Are you adjusting to your new life there? I miss you two. Love. JJ
It’s difficult to choose my fav blog entry, but this one is right up there