Presidential confusion

Here is a conversation from my morning in third grade. Kids were “shopping for books” in the classroom library, and these little boys were obsessed with a book about Abe Lincoln. (Names have been changed to protect the sweet innocent little ding dongs.)
Bob: Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president.
Me: Why?
Bob: Because he has a cool hat and he carries an ax.
Tom: And he hunts vampires.
Bob: Yeah, he hunts vampires.
Me: Hmmm … you know that’s just a movie, right? He didn’t really hunt vampires. I don’t think he carried an ax around, either.
Bob: He still has a cool hat.
Tom: My second favorite president is George Washington Carver.
Me: OK … he actually wasn’t a president. George Washington was president. George Washington CARVER invented peanut butter. So that’s still pretty special.
Tom: Oh, that’s awesome.
Bob: You know who else was cool? John Adams and his brother John Q. Adams.
Me: Right. Ummm … John Adams was the dad of John Quincy Adams. They weren’t brothers.
Bob: Oh, but they’re still really cool.
Me: Hey, do you want me to find some books on American presidents for you guys?
Bob: Yeah! I like to read about them.
Me: That’s a good plan. I’m on it.

3 thoughts on “Presidential confusion”

  1. I’m just impressed by how much YOU know about presidents and inventors of peanut butter.

    Nice teaching Mrs D!

    Miss you,

  2. This had me giggling, especially since I would have been right along with them. 🙂

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