If you want to visit someone and you don’t have mobile phone service or internet, I strongly recommend that you first find out the address of your destination. Otherwise, your GPS is really just a pretty plaything. Trust me. I speak from experience.
Tony and I left Stratford and drove the 20 minutes to St. Marys to spend the day with the Hossacks, but I didn’t exactly know where they lived. I had been there once, but my inner GPS clearly didn’t save the route. We stopped at a gas station, where I waited for the hipster teen to buy his Skoal before I asked for the phonebook. (Yes, hipster teen, phonebooks still exists.) Address in hand, we consulted with the GPS and soon arrived at our destination.
When I commented on getting lost, Blake scrunched his brow and asked, “Why didn’t you use my map?”
The day before, he had given me this helpful map and pointed out that the big house was mine and the little house was his. He even wrote M-A-P. Seriously, why didn’t I use the map?